The History of Smallpox

  • Smallpox has been around for thousands of years; the earliest evidence of smallpox has been a certain rash on the mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh, Ramses V.
  • Towards the end of the 1700's smallpox was responsible for nearly 400,000 deaths of Europeans.
  • Before known treatments were available for smallpox disease, approximately 80% of the people infected, died (especially children).
  • Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination for smallpox in 1796 through causing people to contract cowpox disease. This method made people immune to smallpox. These people would often get over the cowpox disease shortly due to the pathogen having been weakened beforehand.
  • In 1977 W.H.O (World Health Organization) started the eradication of smallpox by conducting a worldwide outbreak search and vaccination program.
  • As of 1979, smallpox had been officialy eradicated by W.H.O.
      The above video describes the origin and history of the deadly disease,          smallpox, originating with the Egyptian pharaoh, Ramses V.


To the left is a picture
of the infectious
Variola virus which
causes Smallpox.

The Causes of Smallpox

  • Smallpox can caused by caused by two different viruses, Variola minor and Variola major.
  • Smallpox is most contagious during the first week of having been infected.
  • Smallpox can be transmitted through inhaling the saliva droplets of other people.
  • Smallpox has been known to be transmitted from person to person by an extended duration of time near an infected person's face.
  • Additionally, the disease can be transmitted through being near or coming in contact with an infected person's clothing or items such as bed sheets.